积极乐观的英文句子 励志英文句子

w 2022.07.23

积极乐观的英文句子  只要我们不懈努力,胜利就在前方!  励志英文句子


一. As long as we can persevere in the struggle, victory is ahead!

二. The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, then now.

三. 如果你有理想,就去捍卫它。

四. 每当我找到了成功的钥匙,就有人把锁换了。

五. Only when a person can stand firm, can he be still and still, and can he move steadily.

六. 没有比记忆中更好的风景,所以最好的不要故地重游。

七. When we feel ashamed, give ourselves a little space, a little confidence.

八. Everyone who strives to pursue his dream is worthy of respect.

九. No matter how much anxiety and irritability life gives you, you just need to maintain a self-discipline and confident life state.

十. 人须在事上磨练,方立得住,方能静亦定,动亦定。

十一. 个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。

十二. 种一棵树最好的时间是十年之前,其次,是现在。

十三. 一切豁然开朗,调整好状态,迎接新的挑战!

十四. Expectation is the sunshine of life, and action is the wing of expectation.

十五. 缺点让你弄丢自信,优点让你找回自信。

十六. With the pen of diligence, draw the most beautiful rainbow.

十七. All of a sudden, adjust the good state, meet the new challenges!

十八. 仰头不是骄傲,是要看见自己的天空。

十九. 大海若没有千尺深度,哪有如山浪头。

二十. You often talk about your dreams, but you lose in laziness that you don't want to change.

二十一. 愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。

二十二. The prime of life is no longer coming, and it is hard to be early in the morning. We should encourage ourselves in time.

二十三. 增强质量意识,提高全员素质。

二十四. 放弃者不会成功,成功者永不放弃。

二十五. Knowledge changes fate and strives to change results.

二十六. Struggle is better than gain. Real success is struggle.

二十七. Enhance the quality awareness and improve the quality of the whole staff.

二十八. 凡笑者,就表现着他尚有生活的胆和力。

二十九. If you have an ideal, defend it.

三十. 做什么人,就要看担起什么责任,否则便是不合格、不称职。

三十一. 愿你奋力拼搏,去感受世间百态。

三十二. The way of learning should not be prior to poor reason; the necessity of poor reason must precede reading.

三十三. If the sea is not a thousand feet deep, it will not be like a mountain wave.

三十四. Who is more stingy to time is more generous to whom.

三十五. 做人诚心,学习细心;友情真心,生活开心。

三十六. You Cao's body and name are destroyed, and the rivers will flow forever!

三十七. 当我们感到羞耻时,给自己一点空间,一点信心。

三十八. We often don't think about what we have, but we never forget what we can't get.

三十九. Looking up is not pride, but seeing the sky.

四十. The wise create opportunities, the strong seize them, and the weak wait for them.

四十一. May my farewell message be an umbrella that can shelter you from the sun and rain on your journey.

四十二. If Heaven gives me glory, I will make progress every day.

四十三. 我们常常不去想自己拥有的东西,却对得不到的东西念念不忘。

四十四. 胜者为王的时代,能活下来的都成为行业的翘楚。

四十五. Those who laugh show that they still have the courage and strength to live.

四十六. Give up is an easy thing, the heart a think, force a unload, immediately relaxed.

四十七. Are you strong? So it was.

四十八. To be the leading geese for rural youth to become rich, and to drive more villagers to become rich.

四十九. There is a long way to go and many thorns. Only constant faith is the brightest light.

五十. There is one thing that can never be played, and that is life.

五十一. There is no better scenery than memory, so the best is not to revisit the old place.

五十二. 越是乐观的人,就越是容易把心事藏的更沉重。

五十三. 用欣赏的眼光看世界,生活处处呈鲜花美景。

五十四. Behind the growth, there must be heartache to pay.

五十五. Shortcomings make you lose confidence, advantages let you regain confidence.

五十六. 任何的收获不是巧合,而是每天的努力与坚持得来的。

五十七. People who lose their credit are dead in this world.

五十八. 知识改变命运,努力改变结果。

五十九. 做农村青年的致富领头雁,带动更多乡亲发家致富。

六十. The key to success lies in one's own efforts.

六十一. 沵是强者么?原来也不过如此。

六十二. 奋斗胜过得到,真正的成功就是奋斗。

六十三. No matter what moment it starts, it's the right moment.

六十四. 不管事情开始于哪个时刻,都是对的时刻。

六十五. 成功,需要明确的目标计划。

六十六. 好汉死在战场上,懒汉死在炕头上。

六十七. With the appreciation of the world, life is everywhere beautiful flowers.

六十八. 不管生活给你多少焦虑烦躁,你只需保持自律自信的生活状态。

六十九. 每一个奋斗在追求梦想路上的人,都是值得尊重的。

七十. 只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗,胜利就在前方!

七十一. 只有抛开过去,才能遇见未来更美好的风景。

七十二. 有一种东西决不能游戏,那就是人生。

七十三. 没有信仰,就没有真正的美德。

七十四. When complaining, look at the problem in a different way.

七十五. Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.

七十六. To be a person, we have to take responsibility. Otherwise, we will be unqualified and incompetent.

七十七. 能吃苦中苦,方为人上人。

七十八. 尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流!

七十九. 先天环境的好坏,并不足奇,成功的关键完全在于一己之努力。

八十. 为学之道,莫先于穷理;穷理之要,必先于读书。


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